aging out, Transitional & independent Living
SAFE’s ANNUAL Camp programs:
In 2017, SAFE partnered with Monroe Harding and hosted our first annual summer camp program for foster youth preparing to age out of the system and those who had recently entered EFC (Extended Foster Care). Youth had the opportunity to attend camp at no cost at GratiDude Ranch where we took time to navigate the aging out process while focusing on the benefits and opportunities if choosing to stay in extended foster care until they are 22. Even if they choose not to stay in EFC, our hope is to help them define a path and set goals and benchmarks as they prepare to age out.
In summer of 2018 we offered our second annual summer camp program for foster teens, ages 14-17. Through our partnership with Tennessee DCS (Department of Children’s Services) and several local private agencies, we offered a day of team building activities, time blocks for sharing and educating 19 teens who attended. GratiDude Ranch offered a safe space for youth to explore and face issues in their lives, whether it be aging out, living independently, career building and assessing, dealing with being diverse or feeling 'different', etc. We strongly believe that having the youth outside of a ‘classroom’ or 'office' setting in nature with animals, land and activity provides a space to create these discussions in a fun and peaceful environment, where they are a part of the conversation and more importantly, retain the information shared.
In 2019, our annual summer camp program was hosted by Harmony Family Center where over 20 teens from across Tennessee traveled to Middle Tennessee and participated in a day camp program at GratiDude Ranch. In addition to gathering important information shared by representatives of DCS and other private agency representatives, youth were given an opportunity to share their stories through music, art, spoken word and story telling. Meals were shared in community and youth were invited to be involved in the preparation.
Sadly, our 2020 and 2021 summer camp program was canceled due to COVID 19. However, in June of 2021 we hosted KidLink, a foster agency, who hosted their “Foster Family Appreciation” retreat at the ranch.
In 2022 SAFE hosted Harmony Family Center Staff and Independent Living Retreat at GratiDude Ranch. In 2023 SAFE hosted Monroe Harding’s Foster Family Fun Day and their IL (Independent Living) Retreat. Harmony Family Center also joined us again in 2023 for their Staff and Independent Living Retreat.
In 2024 we are looking forward to expanding our camp program offering more camps for foster teens helping them learn in a fun and comfortable environment about ‘aging out’, how to better prepare for the aging out process and explore the benefits available to them.
Our camp programs are offered at NO COST to foster parents and are sponsored through SAFE. Staff are volunteers from DCS, local agencies, and volunteers signed up through SAFE.